Wednesday, September 8, 2010

First Meet: Western New York Invitational

Saturday, October 9th -- the Purple Eagles will open their 2010-2011 season at  the Western New York Invitational. The meet will be held at the Alumni Arena Natatorium on the University at Buffalo campus.  Teams competing;  Niagara, Canisius, St. Bonaventure, Bingamton and Buffalo.  There are two sessions -- the morning session starts at 10 AM and the afternoon session starts at 4 PM.  In between sessions -- the Purple Eagles will be relaxing and having lunch at an area Mall -- which isn't too far from the Natatorium.  Last year, the Parents went to the same Mall and joined the team in the Mall's Food Court for lunch.  We'll post the Mall's location once we receive the information.   Stay tuned!


  1. Last year the team ate at a smaller mall closer to the pool. Parents drove and met the kids there off the bus. Everyone just got what they wanted to eat at the food court and we all sat in the same general area, with our kids and friends. Then we all just traipsed around the mall for a bit and shortly thereafter the kids had to go back to the pool. There isn't really a lot of time to do much else and they have to get back on the bus.

  2. Marcia, do you recall the name of the Mall? We assumed it was the same Mall that we've been visiting with the St. Bonaventure swim team the past few years at this meet...

  3. I don't remember but it was near the pool and not hard to get to. A lot smaller than Walden. I'm guessing Coach will probably have them go there again, but maybe not!
